The Crays Pond Community Group are now at the stage where we are supporting the recently formed Community Interest Company with fundraising.
The aim is for enough funds to be raised for the community to buy the pub through grant funding, loans, donations and the community buying shares.
Shares in the ‘White Lion Crays Pond Community Interest Company’ (WLCPCIC) will be backed by the value of the asset (the White Lion property and grounds) and as rules and finances permit may give a return and be redeemable after a settling in period. It may also be possible that shares could be issued under an HMRC Enterprise Initiative scheme so tax relief may be available, but this is not guaranteed.
The group now seeks simply an indication, from interested parties, of what financial support there is from within the community for the WLCPCIC. Community Shares are likely, but not definitely, to be offered in multiples of £500 per individual. Donations and Loans may be pledged in any amount.
No money is required at this time, just an indication of what individuals in the community might be prepared to offer in support.
It is important to remember that any 'Promise' you make at this time is not binding as your support would depend on what is on Offer at the time that a 'Prospectus' is issued and , of course, your own wishes at that time.
The ‘White Lion Crays Pond CIC’ is registered in England and Wales –Company Number 13319113.
A detailed shares prospectus will be issued, in compliance with the FCA rules when the formal share offer is announced.
Community financial support is vital to the project.
No money is being asked for at this time, simply an indication of potential support.
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