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The Success of the Community Ownership Fund nationwide-and why it is important to us

To reclaim the White Lion as an asset for community use, yes a pub but so much, more the Community Interest Company (CIC) has always sought funds from a variety of areas, one of which is the Community Ownership Fund (COF).

The COF issued details of its first round of ‘bidding’ in late 2021 and the details were recently announced.

These results show how important our COF bid is to be in the funding we need alongside the CIC shares issue and other grant funding.

Here are just some of the success stories that have occurred from the funds being issued by the Department of Levelling up and Communities.

The latest communication from the Department states-

Far-flung pubs in rural communities across England are among the cherished community assets being saved by government levelling up funding today (24 March 2022).

In a boost for Great British boozers, endangered pubs in areas such as West Cornwall and Melton Mowbray will be put into the hands of the local community, giving them a new lease of life for generations to come.

Secretary of State for Levelling up Michael Gove said:

‘Pubs, historic buildings and sports clubs form a vital part of our heritage and for too many places they are a disappearing part of the local community.

That is why we are helping local people take control of these beloved community assets, which would otherwise be lost.

This sits right at the heart of our vision for levelling up – giving people the power to make positive changes in their local community and restoring pride in the places where the live.’

CAMRA National Chairman Nik Antona said:

‘Where dedicated local people are willing to save pubs in their area from closure, demolition or conversion to another use it is right that they are supported to do just that.

Our locals are vital parts of our social fabric - bringing people together, helping to tackle loneliness and social isolation, and providing a range of services for rural communities they serve.

That’s why it is so encouraging to see that more communities are benefiting from Community Ownership funding to secure the future of pubs in their communities.’

Some of the comments about those saved Pubs will sound familiar so go to the Blog for the full details-

During our conversations with the Department we have learned a lot about how to put forward a bid successfully. We plan to bid in the autumn tranche.

We have also learned that our bid can be successful ‘conditional’ upon securing the property as a community asset, this could be very useful.

How can you help?

In respect of the Bid-

We have had some ideas on the pubs use from the survey we issued. Now we would like to hear again from you as to what you feel you want the community to benefit from in owning the White Lion.

We would also like to hear from you, or you on behalf of your business, on how you could help the community use of the White Lion property.

Please send any ideas, or offers of support or assistance to create this community Pub and Hub to our email address

In respect of Funding-

You know that community funding forms part of the plan for the CIC to obtain the property. We placed a ‘Fundraising’ page on our website and were thankful for the response we received in respect of Pledges. Thank you again to all those who did pledge, we raised pledges well into six figures (£).

But we do need more.

We are unable, at present, to issue the full share prospectus for the CIC. However pledges are very important to us so if you have not pledged as yet, and you can and want to do so, please use the ‘Fundraising’ page on the website.

It is only, at present, an indication of the support you could be, but vital in the overall plan.

SO ....if you can please go to-

And make your valuable personal contribution to the communities’ effort.

Thank you in advance.

Together let’s save The White Lion as a community asset

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