Our Open letter to local elected officials supporting the change in the law has had a positive response from our supporters and other parties. Our Supporters list has now exceeded 300, and our pledge list has also grown since it was published. The Henley Standard also produced and article on the issue in the latest edition (under Whitchurch news). Link below. https://www.henleystandard.co.uk/news/whitchurch/183067/mp-asked-to-help-have-pub-re-opened.html
Here is the response from our MP. 'Thank you for your email. I agree that pubs play an important part in local communities, and was shocked by the recent demolition of the Crooked House. I appreciate you bringing this campaign to my attention, and I will be sure to stay informed on this issue.' John. John Howell OBE MP FSA FRGS ACIArb Member of Parliament for the Henley Constituency Leader, British Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | Chairman Industry and Parliament Trust | Vice-chairman Conservative Friends of Israel | Government Neighbourhood Planning Champion | Trustee Holocaust Memorial Day Trust House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA, Tel. 020 7219 6676
Some of you may wish to show our MP that you support our campaign to reopen The White Lion Crays Pond as a Pub and so much more.
You can by emailing him at- john.howell.mp@parliament.uk