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Really BIG, BIG news !

The White Lion is up for sale!!!!!

The owner of the White Lion site has given notice to SODC that he is putting the property up for sale.

This is a legal requirement of the ACV (asset of community value) status of the Pub and now the legislation moves through various stages.

The first stage is that the community (or others) have to say whether or not they are going to bid for the property.

We have set up and registered the ‘White Lion Crays Pond CIC’. This is a Community Interest Company to enable the work that has to be done to bid for the property.

So we are pleased to announce that our Community Interest Company has lodged an ‘Intention to bid’ with SODC within the required timescale.

In the second stage, the community then has just 6 months to engage with the owner and make a bid and negotiate.

The owner is not obliged to engage with the community and is entitled to reject any approach made, and this does happen where owners want to circumvent the community because they have another agenda, that potentially runs contrary to what the community wants.

The ‘White Lion Crays Pond CIC’ will be the statutory vehicle that raises the share offer and applies for the grants that are available.

The next 6 months will be a period of intense activity for all who support the purchase and reopening as a community pub / venue.

We know from the recent community survey we have the support, both physical and financial from many of you and we now need to engage with the whole area and other organisations to increase this support.

Crays Pond Community Group.

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2 則留言


Great news!



Brilliant news. Let's hope it is for sale at a realistic price.

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