The results of the Pop Up Pub outings are now in.
Toiling late into the night, counting every last penny taken, we can announce a whopping-
was raised for the Save the White Lion fighting fund and the Fete committee
Thank you to all those who supported the events.
If you have not already done so, support the project and 'register' as a supporter at the foot of the Home page.
If you want to make a 'pledge' go to the Fundraising page and complete the form.
We know it is difficult to talk about Money, particularly at the moment, but if you want the The White Lion to reopen as a community pub and so much more, we need others to join our existing 'Pledgers' and make the step to promise that support!
We can't do it without you!
Well done Boys and Girls-almost £150 0-towards our Cause.
Colin & Pat